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5 Mental Health Benefits of Living in the Mountains

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Although some people thrive within a busy environment, the relentless pace of city life can be mentally taxing. Living in a city increases the likelihood that you will develop an anxiety disorder by 21 percent. City residents are also more likely to develop mood disorders, paranoia, generalized anxiety disorder, schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). City residents are also more prone to anger management issues.

Those living in a city may combat these issues by exploring how to find a therapist and pursuing mental health treatment. This can be done as a preventative measure to mitigate the risk of mental health issues. You may also look into mountain land for sale and establish a personal retreat. In fact, there are tons of benefits to living in the mountains. Here are five reasons why moving to the mountainside may be a perfect idea.

1. Active Lifestyle


Your body releases natural chemicals when you exercise. These chemicals include serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin and dopamine are endorphins that send positive messages to your brain. They are proven to alleviate stress. They also combat pain your body is experiencing.

Serotonin is proven to improve a person’s mood. Living in the mountains promotes physical activity, which is also known to distract people from their personal problems. The combination of image-boosting endorphins and positive thinking that exercise produces will help improve your mental health.

2. Nature Therapy


Spending time in natural environments reduces depression. It helps prevent you from obsessing about negative issues. A bit of time outdoors in a natural environment has been shown to reduce anxiety and lower stress levels. It disconnects you from technology. This is particularly important if you’re struggling with burnout from a busy schedule.

Time in nature has been shown to improve short term memory recall and other mental abilities. Breathing the scent of pine has also been scientifically proven to combat stress and depression.

3. Rest


It is common for cities to have some noise at all times. Cities are also known for light pollution. The presence of artificial light during the night adversely impacts your circadian rhythm. This can contribute to serious physical health issues, such as cancer, as well as insomnia. You need regular, restful sleep in order to be mentally and physically recharged.

Our brain and motor functions are negatively impacted by a lack of sleep. Sleep disorders have also been linked to depression. Moving to the mountains, where you are not subjected to light pollution, can alleviate depression and improve brain function by promoting natural sleep cycles.

4. Healthy Self Image


Spending time in the mountains is likely to increase your physical activity levels because you will have increased access to hiking trails and reduced access to public transportation. You are also likely to spend more time in nature. This has been shown to reduce irritability.

You will have a more positive self-image because people tend to feel better about themselves when they’re physically active and you won’t be plagued by negative thoughts. Reducing negativity, irritability, stress, and anxiety all promote a positive outlook, which is essential for a healthy self-image and a positive self-image will significantly improve your mental health.

5. Physical Health Benefits


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Spending time in the mountains has been shown to improve a person’s heart health. You are more likely to develop cardiovascular issues from living in a city due to increased stress levels and exposure to light pollution and general pollution. City living also contributes to the volume of tension headaches and other physical health issues, such as indigestion.

You are more likely to struggle with worry, anxiety, and depression if you have persistent or serious health issues. Moving to the mountains combats these medical conditions and improves physical health. This improves your mental health by alleviating the worry and stress your health issues caused.