A List of the Most Difficult but Rewarding Careers

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Many careers involve distinct challenges. With some careers, the challenge may be the length of time before seeing results from your work. Some professions are mentally taxing, requiring concentration, creativity, and attention to detail. Other careers are physically demanding, requiring fitness, concentration, and strict adherence to safety protocols. Some individuals thrive when challenged, which is why they’re attracted to demanding careers.

Careers can also be rewarding. Some individuals gravitate to careers where they enrich other people’s lives because they find that satisfying. For others, the reward is monetary. Since people define career satisfaction differently, what makes a career rewarding can vary from person to person. Suppose you’re interested in a career you find challenging and rewarding. Consider the options explored here.



Lawyers typically need seven years of postsecondary studies to earn a bachelor’s degree and a law degree. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports the median income for lawyers in May 2020 was $126,930 per year, making this a lucrative career that offers financial benefits.

Lawyers, such as Malliha Wilson, use their legal knowledge to help their clients resolve legal issues. During her career, Malliha’s presented several cases before the Supreme Court of Canada. Arguing cases before the Supreme Court provides an opportunity to shape national laws by securing a favorable ruling. As a human rights attorney with Nava Wilson LLP, Malliha fights for equal treatment for all people, regardless of their religion, national origin, race, gender, or sexual orientation. Malliha also takes on labor law cases, fighting for equal treatment in the workplace. When a person’s fired because of their religion or gender, Malliha fights for their rights, ensuring prejudicial employers face the consequences for violating labor laws.

Lawyers need excellent communication skills to advocate for their clients. They also need strong analytical skills because they must evaluate all legal options and strategies to determine how to present their client’s case.



Logisticians usually need a bachelor’s degree in supply chain management or a comparable discipline, such as business administration. The BLS reports that the May 2020 median annual income for logisticians was $76,270, substantially higher than the $41,950 median income for all professions.

Anyone interested in careers for logical thinkers should consider a career as a logistician. Logisticians oversee business deliveries. They may handle shipments from around the globe using various transportation methods, including freighters, trains, and 18 wheelers. Logisticians analyze the shipping routes to identify ways to reduce shipping times and lower shipping costs. They may also have to respond to situations in real time, adjusting transportation arrangements for deliveries affected by natural disasters or political unrest.

Logisticians need strong analytical skills to evaluate options and project outcomes.

Wind Turbine Technician


You don’t need an undergraduate degree to become a wind turbine technician. Earning a certificate from a technical school is sufficient to pursue a career in this field. Certification can increase your job prospects, although there are plenty of opportunities in this career field due to the demand for renewable energy. The BLS reports that opportunities for wind turbine technicians will increase by 61% between 2019 and 2029. The BLS also reports the median annual income for wind turbine technicians was $56,230 in May 2020. Wind turbine techs don’t earn as much as logisticians or lawyers; however, they need two years or less completing postsecondary training to start their careers.

This career’s a good fit for anyone who finds physical work rewarding. You have to have excellent decision-making skills because you must assess weather conditions while working on wind turbines. You also need excellent communication skills to interact with your team members and ensure safety while performing tasks. Working as a wind turbine technician’s challenging because you must be capable of working hundreds of feet in the air and have the physical stamina required to lift heavy equipment.

Many careers are both rewarding and challenging. Some options include becoming a lawyer, logistician, or wind turbine technician.